
Key milestone reached on Coopers Court at Finzels Reach
A key milestone has been reached on works to deliver 66 affordable homes at Coopers Court, part of the award-winning Finzels Reach mixed-use community. Coopers Court, which represents over 20% of the homes being delivered on the second phase of Finzels Reach, consists of 48 homes for the social rented market and 18 for shared… View Article

Q&A with React News: What happens when you sign a prelet on the eve of the pandemic?
Published by React News in August 2021. Osborne Clarke’s Tim Simmonds discusses the law firm’s move to Halo in Bristol with Cubex’s Peter Walford and Steve Wright from Fiera Real Estate. The law firm Osborne Clarke signed a prelet to take 74,000 sq ft at Cubex’s Halo building for its new Bristol office right on the eve… View Article